Hosting a Scouting America Leave No Trace Level 2 Instructor Course
(Formerly called Master Educator Course)
Instructor 2 Course Definition and Planning
- Council (Council Outdoor Ethics Advocate and council leadership) identifies Course Coordinator and Staff Advisor
- Course Coordinator contacts the Outdoor Ethics Division Manager (OEDM) and works closely with the OEDM (or OEDM-designee) throughout the definition/planning process.
- The OEDM may choose to identify the Lead Instructor (LI) early and have them involved in the planning.
(Typically the LI is chosen after the course is approved.)
- Course Coordinator and Staff Advisor additional planning
- Weeklong vs two-weekend
- Identify facilities/locations for the classroom and field portions of course.
(List all locations where the participants will be during their course including the Trek.
Include addresses or GPS coordinates.
If a location is Council camp, list webpage with information about the camp.)
(Note if a portion of the course will be conducted in a different Division than the Host Council.)
- Course Dates:
- Minimum of five days and five nights in length.
- May be offered on a week-long or two weekend format.
- - the second weekend in a two weekend course must start within 20 days of the conclusion of the first weekend.
- Field portion of course must spend at least three overnights in the field.
- Field experience format based on the proposed location(s) - primitive non-trek, primitive trek (backpacking, paddling, other)
- Preliminary budget, per person cost (initially use Instructor 2 Course Budget Planning Spreadsheet at minimum number of participants, transfer to council budget form).
NOTE: The Leave No Trace fees for Level 2 Instructor courses will remain at $25 membership / $25 admin for courses in 2023.
- Identify candidate participants (at least 6 people who have been informed about preliminary plans and dates for the course, and have indicated their intent to register once the course is approved).
- Get preliminary Approval from your OEDM before filling out the RFA form and getting council signatures.
Instructor 2 Course Application
- Fill out Request for Authorization to Conduct Leave No Trace Level 2 Instructor Course:
MS Word .doc
- Get local council signatures (Host Council Outdoor Ethics Advocate, Short Term Camp Administrator, and Scout Executive) (handwritten OK)
- Scan and Email to
- Application is reviewed and approved by the OE Division Manager and other members of Scouting America OEC Subcommittee. The Course Coordinator will be contacted if additional details are needed or to resolve any issues.
- When the course is approved, a copy of the signed application will be emailed to the Course Coordinator.
- The OE Division Manager works with the OEC Subcommittee to assign a Lead Instructor and Co-Instructor(s), and will notify the Course Coordinator.
Course Promotion, Execution and Wrap-Up
- Course Coordinator promotes the course to targeted Scouters within host
Council and surrounding Councils
- The course will be added to the website, both in the Level 2 Instructor Course listing and the calendar. The course coordinator should notify the webmaster as the following are available/known for the course:
- Course Flyer (ideally a link to the flyer already posted on the host council's website)
- Link to online registration and/or webpage for more information
- Type of field experience(s) offered (backpacking, non-trek primitive, paddling, ...)
Promotion materials must follow the Training Promotion Guidelines.
- The Lead Instructor works with the Course Coordinator and Co-Instructors to plan the detailed schedule, equipment, participant communication, ... and to conduct a GREAT course.
- The Lead Instructor is primarily responsible for all the post-course reporting.
- The Course coordinator is primarily responsible for all the course logistics and post-course financial settlement with the host council and Leave No Trace.