The list of resources below are the key training course definition documents of Leave No Trace and Scouting America's Outdoor Ethics & Conservation Subcommittee, and the compiled list of resource items referenced by those documents.
To lead a Level 1 Instructor Course, Leave No Trace Level 2 Instructors must be current members of Leave No Trace and must take the ME Refresher (eventually Recertification) every 2 years.
Note that many of the Powerpoint presentations include speaker's notes as part of the document. These notes describe key points and additional information to be covered when showing each slide, so please print them and use them.
The slide show can be printed out and used to ensure coverage of the content through other presentation mediums.
** NOTE for Fillable PDFs: Do not try to enter data in fillable pdf's in your browser window - they will not Save. If you try to save them, you will get the original empty form and your entries will be lost.
INSTEAD - save the file to your computer, then Open it in Acrobat Reader. You can then enter data, save the file, print, etc.